We at ME|FM Society of BC encourage you to support this Millions Missing campaign focused on asking politicians to learn about ME and take action.

Dear Friends,
As you know, an election has been called as of yesterday.
Recognizing that Canadian patients with ME together with their loved ones represent potentially millions of voters, a few of us collaborated on a letter over the weekend to send to each party leader. The letter can be read here.
We’re inviting ME groups, individual advocates, patients, partners, family members and supporters from all across Canada to cosign this letter. Should you decide it’s something you’d like to do, please sign here. This form will nicely collect the signatures all in one place and make it easier for us to transfer your signatures into the letter.
You can sign as yourself, as representing your group, or as both using two submissions. We’re asking for your first and last name, along with your city and province, as we’re hoping to show visible representation from coast to coast to coast.
All replies received from party leaders will be published.
This is time sensitive as the campaign is a short one. We want to be sure to get a reply so we need to send this letter out very soon… before campaign offices become flooded with requests. If you want to be included, please sign as soon as you can. We want to include as many people as possible. Feel free to share the links about the letter with family and friends. Here they are:
Read the Letter:
Cosign the Letter: https://bit.ly/3g1YYBq
MMC FB Message: https://bit.ly/3ARXT7r
MMC Twitter Message: https://bit.ly/3D2zHRE
Together Stronger…
Take Care,
Barbara Fifield