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Our free support groups

Social Support for people living with ME, FM and/or Long-COVID

The details

The details

Our professionally facilitated social support groups are scheduled on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month (at 1 pm Pacific Time), the 2nd and 4th Wednesday (at 2 pm Pacific Time) and the 4th Thursday of every month (at 5 or 5:30 pm Pacific Time).


Our counselors also have private practices that you are welcome to access - private consultations are outside the scope of the ME|FM Society of BC.


We also have peer-led social hangouts and facilitated Art Therapy in the month. We aim to create at least one opportunity a week for you to connect with others in the community. 

These are social support groups, not intended to replace professional medical or mental health care and advice. There is no fee to attend. Registration is open to members and non-members.  Group size may fluctuate and is dependent on registration numbers. 


You can help us plan ME|FM Society of BC Social Support Group offerings through this short 12 question survey


Art Therapy session feedback is collected here


Your comments will be kept confidential and used only for internal planning purposes within the Society.  


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Advanced registration for each session is required. Registration capped at 20. 

What people are saying about our Social Support Groups

"It was so moving for me to be a part of this group today, I've been looking for people like me, feeling so alone in my wheelchair, trapped in bed sometimes, and with my struggles."




"I couldn't believe there was a meeting full of people who were also housebound much of the time, using mobility aids to get around, trying to live and find meaning with so many limits just like me. I really needed that."


Social Support Groups
Social Support Groups, Hangouts and Art Therapy
Social Hangout

See calendar below for dates, details and registration.​

​If you are unable to attend a session for which you have registered, please advise us at  This will open a space for someone else to attend.

Calendar of Events

Our Calendar of Events includes Social Support Groups, Social Hangouts, Art Therapy and other society activities.  The calendar will be populated one month at a time. 


Click on each event for its details; scroll down to click on the registration link.

​By registering for an event, you give consent to the ME|FM Society of BC to use GReminders to automate email reminders to each individual registrant.


How GReminders protects your privacy


Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events


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We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.  The ME|FM Society of BC is receiving funding from the community Gaming Grants program to assist the delivery of ME|FM social support groups and other community engagement efforts.​


​After entering in your registration request, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to join the online event. 


  • Group size may be limited to facilitate participation. We will keep a waitlist.

  • Dates, structure and format may change over time to suit the community’s needs.  

Group details

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Please review our Shared Understandings document prior to the session.

We are collecting feedback on our social support offerings here.

For any questions about this program, please email

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