For an audio recording of this article, click on the Soundcloud link.
May is ME Awareness Month and May 12th is recognized internationally as ME Awareness Day. Throughout the world, communities are working to further education, awareness and understanding of ME and bringing forward the devastating impact of this illness on individuals, their families and their communities.

Last year we completed our research project “Examining the Unmet Needs of British Columbians living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis”. Patient research participants spoke to us about their lived experience. Four patient themes were identified:
Social isolation, loss of identity and the need for emotional support
Supports for disease management and how to live with ME
Challenges to diagnosis
Stigma in the healthcare system
We want to hear more from you! Join us on May 12th at 2:00 pm in conversation about what the Society has been doing this past year to further education, awareness and research, and to explore what your lives would be like if changes were made in each of the 4 key themes as noted above.
This will be a zoom facilitated community conversation. Come in your pajamas, join from your bed, invite your friends to join also! We will have four facilitated ‘rooms’ to discuss each of the topics and a main room for us to report back to each other. Your dreams for the future of ME healthcare in British Columbia will be noted and we will compile your thoughts in a final report.
Pre-registration is required and attendance will be capped at 50 - so register here as soon as you can.
We look forward to seeing you on May 12th!